Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion:

Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion:
Today the One who is Life itself embraced death and conquered it…
Today the One who is Light itself met darkness and illumined it…
Today the One who is Being itself touched nothingness and healed it…
Today the One who is Eternity itself subjected time and inter-penetrated it…
Today the One who is the Word itself became Silence and made it sing…
Today the One who is Goodness itself took on sin and forgave it…
Today the One who is Love itself overcame fear so that we would never again fear that we are not loved…
Today the One who is Jesus went to the Cross so that we may have life and have it in all its fulness…
Picture is of Good Friday Stations of the Cross with the homeless community led by Brother Kevin and Brother Angelus in our Capuchin Daycentre earlier today.