Haircuts for the Homeless: A new initiative of the Capuchin Daycentre

Br. Kevin and the staff of the Capuchin Daycentre were very happy to launch a new initiative in their ongoing mission to serve the homeless and poor of Dublin this weekend when their brand new barbers/hairsalon opened off Bow St.

New Hair Salon at the Capuchin Daycentre, Bow St. Dublin 7

New Hair Salon at the Capuchin Daycentre, Bow St. Dublin 7

While at first it may seem a peripheral service to offer to those who find themselves in dire straits upon the streets, once their major needs for food and shelter are met then other services that remind our brothers and sisters of their innate human dignity as children of God are essential. Such services can often begin a healing of broken self-image and self-esteem that the day to day struggles for survival have wounded and come directly from our Catholic Franciscan tradition, which always seeks to offer care through kindness as a way to recover what had been lost by those who are often marginalised by society.

As well as feeding the homeless population of Dublin and providing a once a week basic grocery parcel the Daycentre now offers Dental care, Podiatry, Optometry, Psychological and basic Medical services to the sadly ever-increasing homeless poplulation.

If you would like to support thier work, or even to just find our more then simply click on the Daycentre tag on our home page.

