Child Safeguarding Sunday: Message from the Provincial Minister
The Irish Province of the Capuchins celebrates Child Safeguarding Sunday this year on the Fifth Sunday of Easter, May 3rd. The safeguarding of children in our churches, friaries and in our pastoral ministry is our priority. As Capuchins we are committed to uphold the highest standards in this regard. It is a core value for us as it should be for all who preach and live the Gospel of Jesus. We Capuchins respect and care for all persons, be they children or adults, and will do all in our power to ensure their safety. Child Safeguarding Sunday is a reminder to each one of us of our role in this work so that the abuse that happened in the past should not be allowed to happen again.
In the words of Pope Francis:
“May the Lord Jesus instill in each of us the same love and affection for the little ones which characterized his own presence among us, and which in turn enjoins on us a particular responsibility for the welfare of children and vulnerable adults. May Mary Most Holy, Mother of tenderness and mercy help us to carry out, generously and thoroughly, our duty to humbly acknowledge and repair past injustices and to remain ever faithful in the work of protecting those closest to the heart of Jesus”
Br. Adrian OFM Capuchin
Provincial Minister
Please view our revised Provincial Child Safeguarding Policy on this website.