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Blessings on the Feast of St Patrick
Thursday, 17 March 2022
The Irish Capuchin Franciscan Friars would like to wish you every blessing on the feast of St Patrick. Thank you for your continued generosity and support. As we honour our...
Carols by Candlelight in aid of the St Vincent de Paul Society
Sunday, 12 December 2021
This coming Wednesday (15 December 2021) at 7pm, Halston Street Parish, Dublin 7 hosts a evening of 'Carols by Candlelight' in support of their local St Vincent de Paul Conference. This...
Gospel Reflection – 2nd Sunday of Advent
Saturday, 04 December 2021
Prepare a way for the Lord “The word of God came to John son of Zechariah, in the wilderness.” I really love Advent.  Each season of the liturgical year has...
Brother Sean Kelly OFM Cap attends the Chapter Meeting in Zambia
Wednesday, 03 November 2021
Our Provincial Brother Sean Kelly is attending the Chapter Meeting in the Capuchin Custody of Zambia. A Chapter Meeting is a gathering of Friars that takes place every three years....
Livestream: Solemn Profession of Vows for Brother Antony Kurian OFM Cap
Monday, 04 October 2021
This afternoon at 3.30pm, Brother Antony Kurian OFM Cap. will make his solemn profession of vows as a Capuchin Franciscan Friar. The ceremony takes place in St Mary of the...
Praying with the Capuchin Saints – Clare of Assisi
Saturday, 02 October 2021
[embed][/embed] In this episode of Praying with the Capuchin Saints - Brother Adrian Curran OFM Cap, explores the important role the word of God played in the life of St...
Gospel Reflection – 19 Sunday, Year B ‘ The Bread of Eternal Life’
Thursday, 05 August 2021
This is the third successive Sunday when our Gospel is taken from John Chapter 6, all about bread.  John likes to start with something familiar like water, light or bread...
Gospel Reflection – 17 Sunday, Year B – The Loaves and Fishes
Thursday, 22 July 2021
  Five Loaves and Two Fish Today we commence five Sundays when our Gospel is taken from Chapter 6 of John which is all about the bread of life.  The...
Gospel Reflection – Sharing in Christ’s Mission
Thursday, 08 July 2021
  Sharing in Christ's Mission When Jesus sent out the apostles to extend his mission, he said more about their lifestyle than what they might say (Mark 7: 7-13).  As...
Gospel Reflection for the 11th Sunday, Year B – The Power of Little Seeds
Thursday, 10 June 2021
The Power of Little Seeds There are many priests, teachers and parents who feel totally inadequate in the face of today’s society.  The answers of yesterday seem to have no...
Gospel Reflection – Greater Days Ahead
Thursday, 06 May 2021
Greater days ahead Our Gospel today, John 15:9-17, is a continuation of the statement of Jesus, “I am the vine, you are the branches.”   The context is the discourse of...
Interview with Brother Kevin on Vatican News
Saturday, 03 April 2021
Brother Kevin reflects on the Pope's visit to the Capuchin Day Centre as well as how COVID has impacted those who attend the centre. You can listen to the full...