The friary and church are bright and spacious.  Visitors come from all over Ireland to enjoy the peaceful atmosphere. Throughout the year a series of retreats caters for people from all walks of life.

Mass Times

Mon-Sat: 8am in the Oratory chapel
Sundays and Holy Days: 9am & 5.30pm (5:30pm Mass on St Patrick’s Day)


Mon-Sat: 11am-1pm , 3pm-5.30pm
Sunday 2.30pm-4.30pm

Please ring the bell by the confessional at the rear of the main church.

Retreat Centre Office Hours

Monday to Saturday: 11am – 4pm

Office Phone No: 074 91 38909 / 00353 74 91 38909 (from N.I. & abroad)

Coffee Dock & Shop Opening Hours

Saturday: 12 – 5.30pm
Sunday: 1 – 6.30pm

Friary Phone No: 074 91 38005 / 00353 74 91 38005 (from N.I. & abroad)

Shop Phone No: 074 91 38593 / 00353 74 91 38593 (from N.I. & abroad)

Fresh, clean air, home-made jam, home-grown potatoes and freshly caught fish do for the body what the peaceful surroundings do for the spirit. The friars would like to express their heartfelt appreciation for the ongoing support and encouragement they enjoy from the local people and the diocesan clergy.

To find out more about the Retreats conducted at Ard Mhuire, Click Here
For a relaxing tour of the Retreat House and grounds, start the video.

Tel: 074-9138005/9138031
Fax: 074-913837
Capuchin Friary
Ard Mhuire,
Co. Donegal.

News And Events, Ard Mhuire

Gospel reflection – 1st Sunday of Advent
Wednesday, 29 November 2023
Advent, the Season of Hope (Mark 13:33-37) The First Sunday of Advent is the beginning of the new liturgical year.  Advent means coming: the past coming of Jesus Christ at...
Christ the King
Sunday, 26 November 2023
A Kingdom of Justice, Love and Peace  (Matt 25:31-46) On the last Sunday of the liturgical year, we celebrate Jesus Christ, the Universal King. Today’s gospel depicts the end of...
The relics of Blessed Carlo Acutis to visit Church Street Dublin
Monday, 20 November 2023
  This week the relic of Blessed Carlo Acutis visits the Capuchin Friary in Church Street. More details here: St Mary of the Angels Church, Church Street, Dublin 7 Friday,...
Sunday Gospel Reflection
Thursday, 16 November 2023
  Well done good and faithful servant (Matt 25:14-30) The parable of the talents is a contrast between the productive life and the unproductive life.  The productive person is faithful...
Gospel reflection – 32nd Sunday
Sunday, 12 November 2023
Keep your Oil topped up (Matt 25:1-13) Some people get a bit sore about this parable of the sensible and foolish bridesmaids.  They feel it was very selfish of the...
Sunday Gospel Reflection – 31st Sunday
Sunday, 05 November 2023
Towards a humble Church (Matt 23:21) “Anyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and anyone who humbles himself will be exalted.” Jesus was very merciful regarding sins of weakness but...
Sunday Reflection
Friday, 27 October 2023
The Greatest Commandment (Matt 22:34-40) Trying to start an argument with Jesus, one of the Pharisees asked for his opinion on the greatest commandment.  Jesus cut through all their commentaries...
Gospel Reflection -29th Sunday
Monday, 23 October 2023
Religion and Politics (Matt 22:15-21) Today’s Readings open up the contentious relationship between religion and politics, between the sacred and secular dimensions of life.  In the First Reading the political...
Sunday Reflection – God’s Invitation to us
Saturday, 14 October 2023
God’s Invitation to us (Matt 22:1-4) Today’s Gospel is a parable about being invited to a wedding, not just any wedding, but the royal wedding of the king’s son. This...
Sunday Reflection 27th Sunday
Monday, 09 October 2023
Christ, the Keystone of Life (Matt 21:3-43) In today’s Gospel, Jesus addressed the Jewish leaders with the familiar imagery of the vineyard.  He was well aware that they were scheming...
Capuchin Safeguarding Sunday 09 October 2023
Thursday, 05 October 2023
This year's theme for our Safeguarding Sunday is 'Safeguarding is everyone's business'. Please see our Safeguarding brochure to be distributed at all Capuchin Friaries and Churches this weekend. Safeguarding Sunday...
Sunday reflection – 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Monday, 02 October 2023
  Actions speak more loudly than words There’s more trouble down the farm today.  In last Sunday’s Gospel it was grumbling over wages in the vineyard.  This Sunday (Matt 21:28-31),...