Founded in 1978, the Friary contributes much to the life and spirit of Carlow. Carlow can certainly be said to be a ‘Franciscan Town’ with both the Poor Clare Nuns and The Capuchin Friars in situ.
Live stream of the funeral of Fr Angelus O’Neill OFM Cap
Monday, 08 June 2020
Please follow this link for the live stream of the Mass from St Mary of the Angels, Church Street, Dublin 7 : The Mass begins at 11am - Monday 8th...
A God of Relationships A diseased bird was sold in the market place and months later every country in the world is suffering. If ever we needed to be reminded...
It is with deep sadness, that we announce the death of our dear brother, Angelus O'Neill OFM Cap. Angelus was a great apostle of Padre Pio in Ireland and...
Birthday of the Church Pentecost celebrates the birthday of the Church. Jesus once compared himself to a seed dying in the earth so as to produce multiple grains. In Saint...
Gospel Reflection for the 7th Sunday of Easter- Ascension Sunday
Sunday, 24 May 2020
The Ascension of the Lord Some of the doors that have kept people locked in have been opened in recent days. But there is still a long wait until all...
God with us and in us We may be irritated by restrictions on our movements, anxious about the future of jobs and business, or disappointed by no sport. We continue...
The Way, the Truth and the Life Many of us are disappointed that very few of the restrictions on our movements have been lifted. Return to any normality will take...
Cocoon Do not expect cocooning To be easy. It is not a time of rest But of rebirth. They used to think That the Caterpillar Merely slept there, Awaiting the...
A Vocation’s Sunday Message from Brother Richard – Vocation Director
Saturday, 02 May 2020
Discerning a Vocation in a time of Lockdown The path of finding one’s vocation in life, a path traditionally known as discernment, would usually include a lot of travelling. The...
This coming Sunday is the Day of Prayer for Vocations. This annual event invites us to pray, in a particular way, for vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life. Sunday's...
Our Companion on the Road How are you coping with the restrictions at this difficult time? Many people are heroic in caring for the sick. Neighbourliness has returned. But there...