Church Street

The Capuchin Friars first arrived in Dublin in 1615, but it was not until 1624 that the first friary was established, in Bridge Street. They came to Church Street in 1690, shortly after the Battle of the Boyne and opened a “Mass house” at the site of the present Church. The Mass house was enlarged in 1796. The present Church dates from 1881. The architect was James J.McCarthy. The altar and reredos was designed by James Pearse, the father of Pádraig and Willie Pearse who were executed after the 1916 Rising. It was friars from the Church Street community that attended those executed in 1916 and administered the last rites.

Today the friars serve the local community through parish work and through the Capuchin Day Centre. The Capuchin Mission Office which supports the work of the Irish friars overseas, in Zambia, South Africa, New Zealand and Korea is also located in Church Street. St MAry of the Angels is not a parish church, however, the Friars also have responsibility for Halston Street Parish, one of the oldest in Dublin City Centre. Please follow this link to the Halston Street website.

Mass Times: 

Monday to Friday : 8am and 7.30pm (St Anthony Mass and blessing with the Relic of St Anthony each Tuesday at 7.30pm)

Saturday: 9.30 am   Sunday: 9am, 11.30am, 4pm (Brazilian Catholic Community – Portuguese Mass) and 7pm (Dublin Gospel Choir 2nd and 4th Sundays). Follow the Dublin Gospel Choir on Facebook HERE

Confession Times:

Saturday after 9.30am Mass and Tuesday before 7.30am Mass. Also available on request.

Office Opening Hours:

Monday to Friday: 9am to 1pm / 2pm to 5pm. Closed on Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays.

For a quiet restful ‘virtual visit’ to our garden, click here

Capuchin Friary, Church Street, Dublin 7.

Phone: 01 8730599. For the Irish Centre for Padre Pio visit : 

News And Events, Church Street

Gospel Reflection, 3rd Sunday of Advent
Saturday, 12 December 2020
The Joy of Believing Our journey through Advent has highlighted hope, the virtue that keeps us going through darkness and coldness.  We are going through a winter under the restrictions...
Electronic Catalogue of Capuchin Papers online
Friday, 13 November 2020
Our Provincial Archivist, Dr Brian Kirby, writes to announce the online availability of an electronic catalogue for the collection of Capuchin Papers relating to the Irish Revolution.   See:  ...
Gospel Reflection, 33 Sunday Year A
Friday, 13 November 2020
Well Done, Keep Going The Gospel for this Sunday (Matt 25:14-30) is a parable encouraging us to use whatever talents we have, no matter how small or trivial they might...
Therapy of Divine Love, a reflection – Br Silvester O’Flynn
Sunday, 08 November 2020
Purgatory: Therapy of Divine Love Purgatory is not specifically mentioned in the bible but the doctrine of purgatory is a beautiful development which holds in unity two ideas that might...
Gospel Reflection – All Saints’ Day
Thursday, 29 October 2020
Light for November Many of us will be familiar with the opening lines of Thomas Hood’s delightful poem, “I remember, I remember the house where I was born, The little...
Gospel Reflection: 30th Sunday, Year A
Saturday, 24 October 2020
The Greatest Commandment It was an attempt to start an argument with Jesus, to disconcert him when one of the Pharisees asked for his opinion on the greatest commandment.  Jesus...
Fratelli Tutti: Capturing the essence of St Francis of Assisi
Saturday, 24 October 2020
On the 4th of October Pope Francis published 'Fratelli Tutti'. Much has been said and written about this already. The first four paragraphs provide a glimpse into Pope Francis' understanding...
Capuchin Overseas Missions
Sunday, 18 October 2020
This weekend the Irish Catholic Newspaper have published a Mission Sunday special and we are delighted to have a full page in it. Our Capuchin Overseas Missions have been bringing...
World Mission Sunday 2020
Sunday, 18 October 2020
Today is Mission Sunday and we join in prayer for missionaries around the world. We pray today for our own Capuchin missionaries who serve the people of God across the...
Br Seán Kelly OFM Cap – Vocation Podcast on Radio Maria
Friday, 16 October 2020
Recently, our Provincial Minster Br Seán was interviewed by Radio Maria and shared his vocation story. You can listen to the podcast here:
Br Bryan Shortall appears on the RTE Documentary ‘The Confessors’
Monday, 12 October 2020
Capuchin Bryan Shortall featured on the Tubridy Show on RTE this morning speaking about the RTE Documentary 'The Confessors' that airs on RTE this evening. The Tubridy Show website states...
Gospel Reflection, 28 Sunday Year A
Saturday, 10 October 2020
Sun28A God’s Invitation to us Today’s Gospel (Matt 22:1-14) is a parable about an invitation to a wedding, not just any wedding, but the royal wedding of the king’s son.  ...