Church Street

The Capuchin Friars first arrived in Dublin in 1615, but it was not until 1624 that the first friary was established, in Bridge Street. They came to Church Street in 1690, shortly after the Battle of the Boyne and opened a “Mass house” at the site of the present Church. The Mass house was enlarged in 1796. The present Church dates from 1881. The architect was James J.McCarthy. The altar and reredos was designed by James Pearse, the father of Pádraig and Willie Pearse who were executed after the 1916 Rising. It was friars from the Church Street community that attended those executed in 1916 and administered the last rites.

Today the friars serve the local community through parish work and through the Capuchin Day Centre. The Capuchin Mission Office which supports the work of the Irish friars overseas, in Zambia, South Africa, New Zealand and Korea is also located in Church Street. St MAry of the Angels is not a parish church, however, the Friars also have responsibility for Halston Street Parish, one of the oldest in Dublin City Centre. Please follow this link to the Halston Street website.

Mass Times: 

Monday to Friday : 8am and 7.30pm (St Anthony Mass and blessing with the Relic of St Anthony each Tuesday at 7.30pm)

Saturday: 9.30 am   Sunday: 9am, 11.30am, 4pm (Brazilian Catholic Community – Portuguese Mass) and 7pm (Dublin Gospel Choir 2nd and 4th Sundays). Follow the Dublin Gospel Choir on Facebook HERE

Confession Times:

Saturday after 9.30am Mass and Tuesday before 7.30am Mass. Also available on request.

Office Opening Hours:

Monday to Friday: 9am to 1pm / 2pm to 5pm. Closed on Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays.

For a quiet restful ‘virtual visit’ to our garden, click here

Capuchin Friary, Church Street, Dublin 7.

Phone: 01 8730599. For the Irish Centre for Padre Pio visit : 

News And Events, Church Street

Gospel Reflection for Pentecost Sunday
Saturday, 30 May 2020
Birthday of the Church Pentecost celebrates the birthday of the Church.  Jesus once compared himself to a seed dying in the earth so as to produce multiple grains.  In Saint...
Gospel Reflection for the 7th Sunday of Easter- Ascension Sunday
Sunday, 24 May 2020
The Ascension of the Lord Some of the doors that have kept people locked in have been opened in recent days.  But there is still a long wait until all...
Gospel Reflection – 6th Sunday of Easter, Year A
Saturday, 16 May 2020
God with us and in us We may be irritated by restrictions on our movements, anxious about the future of jobs and business, or disappointed by no sport.  We continue...
Gospel Reflection for the 5th Sunday 2020
Sunday, 10 May 2020
The Way, the Truth and the Life Many of us are disappointed that very few of the restrictions on our movements have been lifted.  Return to any normality will take...
‘Cocoon’ by Brother Richard Hendrick OFM Cap.
Friday, 08 May 2020
Cocoon Do not expect cocooning To be easy. It is not a time of rest But of rebirth. They used to think That the Caterpillar Merely slept there, Awaiting the...
A Vocation’s Sunday Message from Brother Richard – Vocation Director
Saturday, 02 May 2020
Discerning a Vocation in a time of Lockdown The path of finding one’s vocation in life, a path traditionally known as discernment, would usually include a lot of travelling. The...
Vocation Sunday – 03 May 2020
Friday, 01 May 2020
This coming Sunday is the Day of Prayer for Vocations. This annual event invites us to pray, in a particular way, for vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life. Sunday's...
Gospel Reflection for the 3rd Sunday of Easter
Sunday, 26 April 2020
Our Companion on the Road How are you coping with the restrictions at this difficult time?  Many people are heroic in caring for the sick. Neighbourliness has returned.  But there...
Virtual Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine
Tuesday, 21 April 2020
Virtual Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine. The Dublin Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock has been cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions. The organisers have designed a virtual pilgrimage to Knock will now take...
Gospel Reflection for the 2nd Sunday of Easter
Sunday, 19 April 2020
In Time of Lockdown Lockdown is a new word for most of us.  In the days after the crucifixion of Jesus, the disciples were in lockdown behind closed doors, paralysed...
Capuchin Social Theatre
Tuesday, 14 April 2020
Capuchin Social Theatre is a new initiave of the Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Office of the Capuchin Curia in Rome. Read more on their web page:
Easter Sunday Gospel Reflection
Friday, 10 April 2020
Christ is Risen I like the story about an ageing flower-lady with an outdoor stall.  Her clothes were old and shabby, her face weather-beaten and wrinkled. A regular customer asked...