Priorswood Parish

We Capuchins have been in Priorswood since the parish was established in 1974 and will celebrate 50 years on the 15th of August 2024.

Parish Priest:

Fr Martin Bennett OFM Cap


Phone: 089 4867102


Mass Times:

  • Saturday: 6:00pm (Vigil)
  • Sunday: 9:30am & 11:30am
  • Monday – Friday: 10:00am

Sacrament of Reconciliation:

  • Before Sat 6.00pm Vigil Mass or on request.


Every 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Sundays of each month at 12.30pm. Bookings must be made in person through the Parish Office.

The office is open from 9.30am to 2.30pm Monday to Friday during term time and 10am to 2.30pm during school holidays.

Saint Padre Pio, OFM,Cap. – Every 3rd Wed of the month at 7.30pm.

Secular Franciscan Order, last Wed of every month at 8.00pm in the Parish Centre.

St Francis of Assisi Parish, Clonshaugh Drive, Priorswood, Dublin 17.

Phone: 01 847 4469


News And Events, Priorswood Parish

Praying with the Capuchin Saints – St Pio of Pietrelcina
Monday, 27 September 2021
The Saints are signposts that show us a quick and safe way to Heaven. It is a path of service, of compassion, and of love of God and neighbour. In...
New Padre Pio Website –
Thursday, 23 September 2021
We are delighted to announce the launch of the new website for the Irish Centre of Padre Pio & The National Shrine of  St Pio in Church Street Dublin, Ireland....
Feast of St Pio
Wednesday, 22 September 2021
On the 23rd of September, the Church celebrates the feast of St Pio, better known by many simply as 'Padre Pio'. The National Shrine of St Pio in Ireland is...
Gospel Reflection – 26 Sunday Year B.
Wednesday, 22 September 2021
Christian by name and in deed The Sunday Gospels these weeks are about Jesus on the way to Calvary and how his followers are to take up their crosses also. ...
Sunday Reflection – Take Up Your Cross and Follow Me
Friday, 10 September 2021
Take up your cross and follow me In today’s Mass we reach the halfway point of Mark’s Gospel (Mark 8: 27-35).  The first half develops the identity of who Jesus...
Sunday Reflection – Taste and See that the Lord is Good
Friday, 20 August 2021
Taste and see that the Lord is good This is the fifth and final Sunday when the Gospel Reading is taken from John Chapter 6.  It began with the multiplication...
The Assumption of Mary
Saturday, 14 August 2021
While the Assumption of Mary has been celebrated for over a thousand years, the doctrine of her assumption was officially defined as late as 1950.   To mark the occasion, the...
Gospel Reflection – 19 Sunday, Year B ‘ The Bread of Eternal Life’
Thursday, 05 August 2021
This is the third successive Sunday when our Gospel is taken from John Chapter 6, all about bread.  John likes to start with something familiar like water, light or bread...
Gospel Reflection – 17 Sunday, Year B – The Loaves and Fishes
Thursday, 22 July 2021
  Five Loaves and Two Fish Today we commence five Sundays when our Gospel is taken from Chapter 6 of John which is all about the bread of life.  The...
Celebrating the Gift of Grandparents – 24/25 July 2021
Monday, 19 July 2021
[caption id="attachment_4446" align="alignleft" width="328"] Image by Günther Simmermacher from Pixabay[/caption] Pope Francis has encouraged all parishes around the world to celebrate the gift of grandparents and the elderly this coming...
Gospel Reflection (16 Sunday, Year B) – Come Apart and Rest A Little
Monday, 19 July 2021
  [caption id="attachment_4440" align="alignleft" width="275"] Image by Bananayota from Pixabay[/caption] I will always remember the first time I had to preach to a Sunday Mass congregation.   All the prayers at...
Gospel Reflection – Sharing in Christ’s Mission
Thursday, 08 July 2021
  Sharing in Christ's Mission When Jesus sent out the apostles to extend his mission, he said more about their lifestyle than what they might say (Mark 7: 7-13).  As...