Priorswood Parish

We Capuchins have been in Priorswood since the parish was established in 1974 and will celebrate 50 years on the 15th of August 2024.

Parish Priest:

Fr Martin Bennett OFM Cap


Phone: 089 4867102


Mass Times:

  • Saturday: 6:00pm (Vigil)
  • Sunday: 9:30am & 11:30am
  • Monday – Friday: 10:00am

Sacrament of Reconciliation:

  • Before Sat 6.00pm Vigil Mass or on request.


Every 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Sundays of each month at 12.30pm. Bookings must be made in person through the Parish Office.

The office is open from 9.30am to 2.30pm Monday to Friday during term time and 10am to 2.30pm during school holidays.

Saint Padre Pio, OFM,Cap. – Every 3rd Wed of the month at 7.30pm.

Secular Franciscan Order, last Wed of every month at 8.00pm in the Parish Centre.

St Francis of Assisi Parish, Clonshaugh Drive, Priorswood, Dublin 17.

Phone: 01 847 4469


News And Events, Priorswood Parish

Greetings on the Feast of St Clare
Tuesday, 11 August 2020
Greetings and blessings on the Feast of St Clare! Clare was an inspirational woman and continues to inspire many today. We send good wishes to the Poor Clare's and Capuchin...
Gospel Reflection – 18th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year A
Sunday, 02 August 2020
Loneliness, Hunger of the Heart Today’s Gospel (Matt 14:13-21) throws light on loneliness which is another name for the hunger of the heart.  A popular film years ago was called...
The Life and Work of Richard J. King (1907 – 1974)
Monday, 27 July 2020
The Life and Work of Richard J. King Ruth Sheehy has recently published a finely illustrated book on the life and work of King exploring his career from his apprenticeship...
Treasure in The Heart – Gospel Reflection for the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A
Friday, 24 July 2020
Treasure in the Heart In today’s gospel (Matt. 13:44-52), Jesus continues the seven parables about the kingdom of heaven in our lives.  What is this kingdom?  In the gospels the...
Holy Trinity Cork – Updated Mass Times
Wednesday, 22 July 2020
Gospel Reflection for the 16th Sunday in OT, Year A
Saturday, 18 July 2020
Taskforce of the Kingdom The mission of Jesus was to establish the rule of God, the kingdom of God, on earth.  The taskforce for the continuation of his mission would...
Gospel Reflection for the 15th Sunday, Year A
Sunday, 12 July 2020
Seeds of Wisdom   “The reason that I talk to them in parables is that they look without seeing and listen without hearing or understanding”.   Jesus knew that people...
Gospel Reflection for 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Friday, 03 July 2020
I will give you Rest “I bless you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for hiding these things from the learned and clever and revealing them to mere children.”  It’s...
Gospel Reflection for the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Do Not Be Afraid
Saturday, 20 June 2020
Be not Afraid Once upon a time … not too long ago … it took courage of a sort not to go to church in holy Ireland.  People who did...
Live stream of the funeral of Fr Angelus O’Neill OFM Cap
Monday, 08 June 2020
Please follow this link for the live stream of the Mass from St Mary of the Angels, Church Street, Dublin 7 : The Mass begins at 11am - Monday 8th...
Trinity Sunday – Gospel Reflection
Sunday, 07 June 2020
A God of Relationships A diseased bird was sold in the market place and months later every country in the world is suffering.  If ever we needed to be reminded...
Brother Angelus O’Neill OFM Cap.
Friday, 05 June 2020
  It is with deep sadness, that we announce the death of our dear brother, Angelus O'Neill OFM Cap. Angelus was a great apostle of Padre Pio in Ireland and...