Ministry at the Capuchin Friary

Raheny Friary has been used for many years as a house of formation and is currently our Provincial Postulancy. The Capuchin friars based there are involved in a variety of ministries, including:

  • Chaplaincy to St. Francis Hospice Raheny and St Francis Hospice Blanchardstown
  • Dublin Port Chaplaincy,
  • Archdiocesan Office for Evangelisation & Ecumenism
  • Blanchardstown Centre Oratory
  • Formation
  • Spiritual Direction

The friary also provides a base for many visiting students who come to pursue studies in Dublin. The Oratory is open each day from 6.30am until 8.50pm with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament all day.



Monday to Friday        12 noon

Saturday : 12 noon

Sunday: 9.30am


Monday                         3.30 pm  –  4.30 pm

Tuesday                         3.30 pm  –  4.30 pm;   7 pm  –  8  pm

Wednesday                  3.30 pm  –  4.30 pm

Thursday                       3.30 pm  –  4.30 pm;   7 pm  –  8  pm

Friday                            3.30 pm  –  4.30 pm

Saturday                        10.30 am  –  11.30 am;  3.30 pm  –  4.30 pm;

7 pm  –  8  pm

Morning Prayer

Monday to Saturday   8.30 am

Rosary and Evening Prayer

Monday to Saturday   5.30 pm

Rosary and Benediction

Sunday                          5.30 pm

New Office Opening Hours

 The phone number is 01 831 3886). 

  • Monday to Friday : 9.30am – 1.00pm & 2.00pm to 5.00pm
  • Saturday: 10am – 12.00pm & 12.45pm to 1.00pm
  • Sunday and Bank Holidays:  The Office is Closed

Lectio Divina Group: Tuesday at 11am and Wednesday at 3

Padre Pio Prayer Group: Every 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7pm.

Capuchin Friary, Raheny Road, Raheny, Dublin 5. D05T9E4

Telephone: 01 8313886


Check us out on Facebook

News And Events, Raheny

Gospel Reflection – Vocation Sunday
Friday, 28 April 2023
Vocation of all Christians The Fourth Sunday of Easter each year is known as Vocations Sunday.  The Gospel is about Jesus, the Good Shepherd who called his flock to follow...
Mission Secretaries gather in Rome
Tuesday, 25 April 2023
  Our Provincial Minister, Br Seán Kelly, and our Mission Secretary, Br James Connolly, are attending a meeting of Capuchin Mission Secretaries in Rome. Brother James is seen here presenting...
New CEO appointed to the Capuchin Day Centre for Homeless People
Friday, 21 April 2023
L-R: Br Seán Kelly (Provincial Minister), Mr Brian Friel and Br Kevin Kiernan (Capuchin Day Centre)   The Capuchin Day Centre for the Homeless has announced the appointment of a...
Sunday Gospel Reflection – Our Companion on the Road
Friday, 21 April 2023
Our Companion on the Road Can we learn anything from Sunday’s gospel story of the Risen Jesus joining with two people on the road to Emmaus? It was the third...
Easter Sunday Gospel Reflection
Saturday, 08 April 2023
Christ is Risen I like the story about an ageing flower-lady with an outdoor stall.  Her clothes were old and shabby, her face weather-beaten and wrinkled. A regular customer asked...
Palm Sunday Gospel Reflection
Saturday, 01 April 2023
Jesus the Wounded Healer “Let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, who leads us in our faith and brings it to perfection:  for the sake of the joy which...
Sunday Reflection for the 5th Sunday of Lent
Friday, 24 March 2023
Sharing in the Death and Resurrection of Christ The story of the raising of Lazarus from the grave is used in the liturgy of Lent because it illustrates baptism as...
Gospel Reflection – 4th Sunday of Lent
Saturday, 18 March 2023
Children of the Light                                                                                            Last Sunday we had the story of Jesus sitting with the woman at the well, offering her the living water of friendship and mercy.  It...
3rd Sunday of Lent – The Woman at the Well
Monday, 13 March 2023
The Woman at the Well The highlight of the liturgical year is the renewal of our baptismal commitment to Christ at the celebration of Easter.  Today’s Gospel (John 4: 5-42),...
Sunday Reflection – Jesus was led by the Spirit
Sunday, 26 February 2023
Jesus was led by the Spirit On the First Sunday of Lent each year, the Gospel is about the temptations of Jesus before he commences his public ministry.  “Jesus was...
Sunday Reflection – 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time – The Unconditional Love of God
Saturday, 18 February 2023
The Unconditional Love of God This Sunday’s Gospel (Matt 5:38-48) is the fourth excerpt from the Sermon on the Mount, the charter of the Kingdom of God, the description of...
Gospel Reflection – The Commandments are guidelines to Virtues
Saturday, 11 February 2023
The Commandments are guidelines to Virtues Jesus proclaimed that his mission was to bring people back from evil ways to the reign of God in their lives.  His words were...