Light for November Many of us will be familiar with the opening lines of Thomas Hood’s delightful poem, “I remember, I remember the house where I was born, The little...
The Greatest Commandment It was an attempt to start an argument with Jesus, to disconcert him when one of the Pharisees asked for his opinion on the greatest commandment. Jesus...
Fratelli Tutti: Capturing the essence of St Francis of Assisi
Saturday, 24 October 2020
On the 4th of October Pope Francis published 'Fratelli Tutti'. Much has been said and written about this already. The first four paragraphs provide a glimpse into Pope Francis' understanding...
This weekend the Irish Catholic Newspaper have published a Mission Sunday special and we are delighted to have a full page in it. Our Capuchin Overseas Missions have been bringing...
Today is Mission Sunday and we join in prayer for missionaries around the world. We pray today for our own Capuchin missionaries who serve the people of God across the...
Br Seán Kelly OFM Cap – Vocation Podcast on Radio Maria
Friday, 16 October 2020
Recently, our Provincial Minster Br Seán was interviewed by Radio Maria and shared his vocation story. You can listen to the podcast here:
Br Bryan Shortall appears on the RTE Documentary ‘The Confessors’
Monday, 12 October 2020
Capuchin Bryan Shortall featured on the Tubridy Show on RTE this morning speaking about the RTE Documentary 'The Confessors' that airs on RTE this evening. The Tubridy Show website states...
Sun28A God’s Invitation to us Today’s Gospel (Matt 22:1-14) is a parable about an invitation to a wedding, not just any wedding, but the royal wedding of the king’s son. ...
Yesterday in Assisi Pope Francis signed his encyclical Fratelli Tutti- his letter to the entire world on fraternity and social friendship. You can access the text in English here:
Today we celebrate the Feast of Our Holy Father St Francis. We thank the Lord for the life and example of St Francis who today continues to inspire many to...
On the evening of the 3rd of October, Franciscans around the world celebrate the transitus (passing) of St Francis from this life to eternal life with the Father in Heaven....
Today is a milestone for a number of our Friars. This weekend Brothers Christopher Kearney, James Johnson, Patrick Flynn, Matthew Gormely, Damian Loughrey, Leo McAuliffe and Aidan Vaughan celebrate 60...