Today we pray the ancient invocation Veni Sancte Spiritus! Come Holy Spirit! Let this prayer rest in your breath and being in these days. Allow it to rise mantra like...
Today our meditation is the wonderful invocatory hymn written by the 15th century mystic Bianco di Siena: "Come down, O love divine" It invites us to meditate on the...
Preparing for Pentecost: Novena to the Holy Spirit
Sunday, 02 June 2019
A novena is a traditional devotion whereby 9 days are set aside and dedicated to particular spiritual practice and prayer. It may be to prepare for a feast, to seek...
This time of year the number of candles lit in churches increases exponentially as the state exams loom. It's a simple and heartfelt act to intentionally light a candle for...
The death has occurred of Brother Oliver Brady OFM Cap
Tuesday, 21 May 2019
It is with great sadness that we announce the death of our Capuchin brother, Oliver Brady OFM Cap. Brother Oliver's remains will repose in the Capuchin Friary Raheny from 4pm...
Religious Life in the 21st Century: A Reflection for Vocation Sunday
Sunday, 12 May 2019
Capuchin Bryan Shortall takes some time this Vocation Sunday to reflect on the relevance of religious life. You can read more form Fr Bryan on his blog - The Driving...
We are delighted to be part of the Irish Catholic Newspaper's Vocation Sunday Special. Read the interview with Brother Martin, our Vocation Promoter The Irish Catholic Vocations Supplement 2019- Main...
Today in the Capuchin world we remember our brother Blessed Jeremiah of Wallachia (Romania). He was an ordinary man who lived his vocation in an extraordinary way. Our Capuchin brothers...
Padre Pio Mass in St. Mary of the Angels, Capuchin Friary, Church St on Thursday April 25th. Confessions from 7.00 p.m. till 7.25 p.m. Mass at 7.30 p.m. and blessing...
We wish you all a blessed Easter and pray that the Risen Lord with continue to open our hearts to the wonder of his presence in our lives and world....
Each year Pope Francis leads the way of the Cross - Via Crucis - in Rome. This is an opportunity for Pope Francis to pray with the people of Rome as their...
Ard Mhuire Friary, Creeslough, Co Donegal The community of the Capuchin Friars at Ard Mhuire invite you to join with them for the Ceremonies of Holy Week Holy (Maundy) Thursday:...