We are delighted to have an active presence at the WMOF2018 in the RDS this week. Three of our brothers are speakers at the event and we have a dedicated...
Today we celebrate the feast of Saint Clare of Assisi. Clare was born in Assisi in 1193 and died on the 11th of August 1253. She was canonised in 1255....
We are delighted to announce that some of our archival catalogues can now be accessed online via the Irish Capuchin Franciscan website and we would like to pay special thanks...
On the 17th of March 2018 Pope Francis went on pilgrimage to the sites associated with Saint Pio of Pitrelcina. A few days ago the Pope wrote to the Capuchin...
Check out our vocation page in this weeks Irish Catholic
Wednesday, 18 April 2018
This week to mark vocation Sunday we have a full page in the Irish Catholic newspaper explaining a little about Capuchin life and answering some frequently asked questions. For more...
**Scroll down to find a friary near you** Church Street Friary, Dublin 7 WED. 28TH: 8 am: Morning Mass 7.30 pm: Penitential Service with opportunity for confession, followed by Evening Mass ...
Our Capuchin Brothers Jude and Brian McKenna featured on Nationwide on Wednesday 04 October 2017, the feast of St Francis of Assisi. As well as being brothers in the Capuchin...
We are delighted to announce that we will launch a 'Year of Capuchin Vocation' in Knock Shrine on Sunday 17th of September as part of the annual Padre Pio Pilgrimage...
We were delighted to welcome five students from Eastern Europe along with their Formator for a three week experience of Capuchin life in Ireland and Irish culture. The progress of...
We are delighted to bring you the summer issue of Capuchin Connection. Please click on the link below to access it. Capuchin Connection Magazine 4pp A4 June 17
Well, to help you we've put together some answers to questions that we're frequently asked. Click on the link to access our latest vocation information brochure. The Capuchin Vocation...