The Oratory, Blanchardstown Centre

Blanchardstown Oratory is located at the Yellow entrance to Blanchardstown Shopping Centre – a place for a little peace and quiet reflection in the middle of a busy day.

Feel free to drop in at any time, call us, or visit our website


CLOSED from 24th Dec to 29th December inclusive. Reopens 30th Dec at 7am.

Opens daily from 7am to 3pm

Monday to Saturday: Mass at 1pm

Mass intentions: 

Tuesday – St Anthony Mass

Wednesday – Padre Pio Mass

Thursday – Mass and Rite II Reconciliation at 12:45pm

Friday – Mass and Blessing of the Sick

Sunday – Mass from Laurel Lodge Parish on the webcam –


Tel: 01-8200915
The Oratory,
The Yellow Entrance,
The Blanchardstown Centre,
Dublin 15.

News And Events, The Oratory, Blanchardstown Centre

Gospel Reflection – The First Sunday of Advent
Sunday, 28 November 2021
Stay awake, praying at all times The First Sunday of Advent marks the beginning of the liturgical year.  The Gospel of the day is about the end of time (Luke21:25-28.34).  ...
Launch of the Dublin Diocese Pilgrimage to World Youth Day 2023 takes place in Halston Street Parish, Saturday 20 November at 6pm
Friday, 19 November 2021
Pope Francis has called on Dioceses around the World to launch their preparation programmes from World Youth Day in Lisbon, this weekend on the Solemnity of Christ the Universal King....
Gospel Reflection – Christ The King
Friday, 19 November 2021
Jesus Christ, the Universal King This is the last Sunday of the liturgical year when we celebrate Jesus Christ, the Universal King.  The end of the year anticipates the end...
Gospel Reflection – 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Mark 13: 24-32)
Thursday, 11 November 2021
Purgatory: Therapy of Divine Love November is the month when we remember those who have died and we pray for the souls in purgatory.  Purgatory is not specifically mentioned in...
New Leadership Team elected in Zambia
Tuesday, 09 November 2021
Left to Right: Br Eugine Michai 4th Councillor, Br Ackim Munsaka 3rd councillor, Br Gaspard Machai 2nd councillor, Br Seán Kelly President, Br Pachal Ntambwe 1st Councillor & Custody Vicar,...
Brother Sean Kelly OFM Cap attends the Chapter Meeting in Zambia
Wednesday, 03 November 2021
Our Provincial Brother Sean Kelly is attending the Chapter Meeting in the Capuchin Custody of Zambia. A Chapter Meeting is a gathering of Friars that takes place every three years....
Gospel Reflection – The Greatest Commandment
Saturday, 30 October 2021
The Greatest Commandment One of the scribes, who were recognised as the experts in the laws of religion, put a question to Jesus.  “Which is the first of the commandments?” ...
Gospel Reflection – Bartimaeus and the Jesus Prayer
Thursday, 21 October 2021
Bartimaeus and the Jesus Prayer On the last seven Sundays our readings from Mark’s Gospel gave moral instructions on how to follow the way of Jesus.  In today’s extract, Bartimaeus...
Brother Charles Sérignat RIP
Wednesday, 13 October 2021
We express our deepest sympathy to Charles's family and friends as well as to the Friars of the Delegation of Great Britain. Brother Charles had a close association with Ireland...
European Meeting of Capuchin Friars, Częstochowa, Poland
Wednesday, 13 October 2021
This week the Capuchin Friars from around Europe have gathered in Częstochowa, Poland for a meeting to discuss the future direction of the Capuchin Order in Europe. The theme of...
Gospel Reflection – The Rich Young Man
Friday, 08 October 2021
The Rich Young Man Jesus was setting out on a journey, a road that would ultimately lead him to Calvary as the suffering, serving Messiah.  Are his followers prepared to...
Visit the New Website for the Irish Centre for Padre Pio –
Monday, 04 October 2021
The new website for the Irish Centre for Padre Pio / The National Shrine of St Pio (Church Street, Dublin 7) :