Good Shepherd Sunday: Vocations Sunday

Good Shepherd Sunday:

Today, the fourth Sunday of Easter, we proclaim the Gospel of the Good Shepherd.

Often called Vocations Sunday, we traditionally pray for an increase of vocations to the priesthood and religious life on this day; but it is important to recognize that for Christians to pray for an increase of Vocations is simply to pray for an increase of people! If you are a human being then you have a Vocation!

Priesthood, Religious Life, married or single; all of these are vocations in themselves. Everyone has a vocation! Everyone has been called into being for a reason. Out of the infinite possibilities in the mind of God you have been chosen to exist at this time, in this life. You are necessary to the plan of God for the cosmos. Divine purpose, the building of the Kingdom of Heaven, will unfold in and through you if you open your heart to His invitation to live a life of love, peace and compassion. Let Him shepherd you into the pastures of peace where your life’s purpose and meaning become one in Divine Love’s plan.
