Missions and Retreats
The call of a Capuchin Friar is to live and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. One tradition way of preaching the Gospel is through Missions and Retreats. Generally, we are asked by a parish or group to lead them in a time of prayer, reflection and reconciliation.
Today Friars are asked to lead retreats through-out the country. Saint Francis said that one of the primary functions of the Friar was to ‘preach the Gospel at all times, and to use words when necessary’. What did he mean? Simply put, St Francis meant that the Friars, through their presence among people, should be a living witness to the Gospel and to Jesus Christ. Probably the most important part of any mission or retreat is, not so much what the Friar says, but rather that he is present to the assembled community, in order to experience, in some small way, what life is like for them. Through this experience he can be mindful of their needs, concerns, hopes and aspirations: he can be Christ to them.
If you would like to book a Parish Mission or Retreat, contact our Provincial Office on 01 873 3205 or e-mail capcurirl@eircom.net